The way German Muslims chose to celebrate New Year’s Eve rather diminishes one’s confidence in their acceptance of sexual equality.
Nor can one be entirely sure that Muslims in general are imbued with the Western ethos governing matters of the flesh. Our Muslim friends don’t seem to get their heads around the fact that here in the West men ask for permission before having sex with women.
Whether the permission is conveyed semantically or semiotically doesn’t really matter – the woman must be a willing and therefore equal partner.
Men imposing themselves on unwilling women can’t possibly regard them as equals or indeed as humans. Women to them have to be chattels or inanimate objects. A man doesn’t ask a cup whether it wants to have tea poured into it, does he?
My friends Barack Hussein, Dave and Angela explained to me that it’s sheer coincidence that the men raping women en masse all over Europe happen to be Muslims.
That tendency has nothing to do with Islam. Gangs of young Muslim men coordinate group attacks on women across Germany, Austria, Sweden, Finland and Switzerland not because they are Muslims but because they’re young men. Young men do that sort of thing, don’t they?
Yes, well, they may, sometimes. Similarly young men steal, fight in bars and kill. But – how can I put this without the God of Political Correctness smiting me with his vengeance – such behaviour isn’t regarded as normal, partly because it has no scriptural support in Western religions.
However, and I do realise we’re still firmly lodged in the realm of sheer coincidence, scanning the Koran and the hadith one gets the impression that these scriptural documents, while not explicitly condoning rape, may be interpreted as implicitly not discouraging it either.
“Your women,” says the Koran 2:223, “are your fields, so go into your fields whichever way you like.” Islamic scholars maintain, and I’m sure they’re right, that the verse has to do with the creative variety of ballistic possibilities open to enterprising Muslim men.
But one can also see how some men may see this verse as an endorsement to going into the field with the help of several friends holding the field down while awaiting their turn.
The Koran, 2:228, explains that “Of course, men are a degree above them [women] in status.” Speaking, you understand, purely hypothetically, isn’t it possible that as a result a young man would form in his mind a simple syllogism: I am above both women and china cups in status. I don’t ask a cup whether I may pour tea into it. Ergo…
In any case, one shouldn’t mollycoddle women because, according to the hadith, they are evil to the point of being diabolical: “Evil omen is three things: the horse, the woman and the house.” If so, why not rape a woman? Or for that matter a horse? (One doesn’t see any immediate way of raping a house, except perhaps having it furnished by a modern interior designer.)
And further: “The Prophet said, ‘I looked at Hell and saw that the majority of its inhabitants were women.’” Hence raping them is a kind of witch hunt, striking a blow for the Prophet – an easy inference, don’t you think?
The Koran 4:24 puts an interesting spin on the Seventh Commandment: “And forbidden to you are wedded wives of other people [so far so good] except those who have fallen in your hands [as prisoners of war].”
This verse was interpreted in the Middle Ages as a direct encouragement to raping women in front of their POW husbands. Now one has to say out of fairness that this practice wasn’t limited to the Islamic world. It also affected adjacent areas influenced by it, such as Russia.
Hence the Kievan prince Vladimir, before he baptised Russia in 988 and subsequently was canonised, had indulged in a spot of public rape too.
For example, in 978 he asked for the hand of the Polotsk Princess Rogneda, which to him didn’t necessarily imply an exclusive relationship (the libidinous prince had 800 wives and concubines). When the proposal was rejected by the girl’s parents, Vladimir captured Polotsk, killed the recalcitrant parents and raped Rogneda in front of his cheering troops.
However, after his baptism Vladimir became more restrained, realising that his new religion frowned on raping women even if they happen to be captured in battle. Islam doesn’t seem to have a similar injunction.
So yes, keeping my finger on the pulse of our PC modernity as I always do, I’m willing to accept that the spate of rapes being perpetrated by Muslims across Europe has nothing to do with Islam. But are you?
Do you also believe it’s purely coincidental that the Swedish city of Malmö, which is home to 100,000 Muslims, has more violent crime in general and rape in particular than the rest of Scandinavia combined?
No, I didn’t think so. This means you aren’t fit to live in a modern world shaped by my friends Barack Hussein, Dave, Angela et al. Abandoning all subterfuge, neither am I.