“Security and prosperity go hand in hand,” explained Dave and Barack Hussein in a jointly written, or rather ghost-written, Times article.
“We reaffirm our belief that our ability to defend our freedoms is rooted in our economic strength,” they added.
This belief, if they indeed hold it, is staggering in its ignorance and feeble-mindedness. Yet again I am scared out of my wits realising what kind of nonentities are leading us – all the way to calamity.
These chaps are trying to peddle the notion that our security will increase pari passu with the growth in the number of i-Pads per capita. They seem to think that the richer we become, the better equipped we’ll be to defend ‘our freedoms’.
Yet history shows that the truth is almost exactly opposite to this wishful thinking. Wealthy civilisations and countries, great or small, have regularly fallen to impoverished barbarians with lean and hungry looks.
The ancestors of today’s Germans were dirt poor compared to the mighty Romans, which didn’t prevent Alaric from sacking Rome in 410 and taking over the western empire.
Closer to our own time, the combined wealth of Western Europe was much greater than that of Nazi Germany, yet we know what happened in 1940.
Even closer to our own time, it took Obama’s partial namesake Saddam two days to devastate Kuwait, even though his own country languished at a much lower GDP per capita.
It wasn’t with billion-dollar ICBMs but with cheap Stanley knives that a handful of Muslims defeated the security of the world’s superpower to bloody its nose on 11 September, 2001.
Before putting their names to this demonstrable nonsense the two spivocrats ought to have glanced at how a more intelligent man than they are, R.G. Collingwood, explained why armed attacks from without or within carry the day:
“Such attacks never succeed unless the thing that is attacked is weakened by doubt as to whether the end which it sets before itself… is worth achieving. On the other hand, this doubt is quite capable of destroying a civilisation without any help whatever.”
In other words, what enables a civilisation to repel attacks is its metaphysical strength, not its physical bulk or the size of its coffers. A destitute 11-stone mugger hell-bent on getting a few quid for his daily fix will easily humble a 15-stone billionaire who has no spunk to defend himself.
The West today is that billionaire, soft of spirit and therefore of muscle, whose hedonistic pursuit of luxury has rendered him incapable of putting up a fight.
Why, our illustrious co-authors, or rather co-signers, have succeeded in neutering their wills and castrating their minds to such an extent that they are even incapable of identifying our enemies, much less resisting them.
Their article was ghost-written in response to the Paris massacre, and they don’t even know who the true culprits were, or rather they know but are too craven to tell.
They hide behind the smokescreen of nebulous neologisms like ‘Islamism’, suggesting time and again that Islam as such, a ‘religion of peace’, has nothing to do with violence.
Why, Dave is even agitating for Turkey’s joining the EU, at exactly the time when Atatürk’s secularising reforms are about to bite the dust. If his tireless efforts to destroy whatever is left of Europe succeed, another 75 million Muslims will gain the right of automatic settlement anywhere here.
Assuming that the widely bandied proportion of potential jihadists among all European Muslims indeed stands at ‘only’ 10 per cent, that’ll add another 7.5 million wild-eyed vampires craving our blood.
But then of course the jihadists-to-be will be seduced and pacified by our Macs and Nokias, if you believe Dave and his co-signer. They ought to remember that such devices can be used not only to pick up one’s e-mails or to log on a porn website but also to detonate a bomb by remote control.
It’s precisely the West’s preoccupation with material prosperity, at the expense of spiritual strength, that is making it impotent to respond properly to internal and external threats.
The co-signers don’t understand that, for otherwise they would have talked not about bolstering ‘global growth’, but about bolstering Christianity, the only proven source of spiritual and moral fortitude in the West.
However, they know that electorates care about their financial, not spiritual, resources. And in our sham democracies whatever electorates want they get, or rather get to hear. These are the rules of the game in which the co-signers are professional players, and ones who believe it’s the only game in town.
This doesn’t speak highly for their intellect or rectitude. But we keep electing such spivs to the highest offices, so what does it say about us?