What else can they possibly be if they show that foreign nationals are 3.5 times more likely to be arrested for sex crimes than Britons born and bred?
Obviously, no progressive person can think that disparity is there because foreigners commit more crimes. And in any case, all such persons know that our police are institutionally racist.
When they arrest a foreigner, especially one from a racial minority, the poor chap is probably innocent. That’s why arrested and guilty are two different things, and, when it comes to minorities, never the twain shall meet.
This attitude is so dominant that neither the Home Office nor the police can do their job properly. How is it possible, for example, to establish proper admission and deportation policies without Parliament knowing the breakdown of all criminal offenders by nationality, visa and asylum status?
Yet both major parties have steadfastly refused to collect and release such statistics, and I did tell you there’s no fundamental differences between the Tories and Labour. In fact, the last time such a proposal was thrown out was in the run-up to the general election, when Rishi Sunak, nominally a Tory, rejected a backbench amendment to his Sentencing Bill.
God forbid he’d undermine his woke credentials just as the nation was about to go to the polls. It has to be said that Sunak’s wokery didn’t make a Labour landslide less imminent and possibly made it more so. Even worse, neither he nor the Tory Party is likely to learn their lesson. Going woke is like riding a tiger: you can’t really stop.
The league table of sex crimes I espied in The Telegraph is the first of its kind. It shows the leadership position of not just foreigners in general but – and you know how much it pains me to say this – Muslims in particular. In fact, of the top 10 sexually criminal nations only the Congo is partially Muslim. The other nine are solidly Islamic.
Albanians lead the league by a wide margin, with also-ran Afghanis trailing far behind, closely followed by Iraqis, Algerians and Somalis. Even assuming that some of those arrested Muslims are pristinely innocent, a certain statistical bias is still hard to ignore. It requires something HMG is unlikely to provide: an explanation.
One such would be that Muslims are naturally more virile than native-born Britons, so much so that they find it hard to contain their rampant libido. After all, when it comes to arrests for all crimes, foreigners outscore indigenous Britons only by two to one, not 3.5 to one as they do with sex offences. Thus, their sex criminality is much greater than their criminality in general.
However, the same groups lead the way in overall crimes as well. For example, in 2021, twenty per cent of all Albanian migrants were arrested for various crimes, which is pretty good going. By comparison, the corresponding figure for British suspects is a meagre 1.2 per cent.
Nevertheless, I tend to reject out of hand any biological, racial or ethnic explanations of social trends. This isn’t to say I don’t think they have a role to play, but if they do, it’s only a walk-on. The star of the show is culture, understood in the broadest possible sense.
To put this assumption to a test, one should try to find out whether Islamic culture predisposes men to take shortcuts to women’s affections. In the West, sex crimes transgress against the prevalent understanding of a woman as an autonomous human equal (in my marriage actually superior) to a man. “Neither male nor female,” wrote St Paul, and he wasn’t talking about transsexuality.
Even the most cursory familiarity with the Koran, the foundation of Islamic culture, shows that the status of a woman there is somewhat different. For example, that holy book explains that most dwellers of hell are women, who are a source of seduction and evil.
Women should be beaten if their husbands feel such punishment is merited, and men disciplining their wives in that manner aren’t accountable to God. A woman isn’t allowed to seek divorce except in extreme cases. A man, however, can divorce his wife simply by three utterances to that effect. In case of divorce, a wife’s share of the assets is half of a man’s.
Did I say “a woman”? Actually, men are allowed to have up to four wives, which encourages seeking variety as the spice of amorous life. And here we begin to touch on the cultural aspects of Islam that are relevant to my subject today.
Islam’s approach to sex in and outside marriage is rather different from ours. For example, if a man wants sex, his woman isn’t allowed to say no. If she does, she’ll be cursed by angels. “Not tonight, I’ve got a headache,” just isn’t part of Islamic folklore.
Men are allowed to take child brides, following the example of their religion’s founder. They are also allowed to rape captives and slaves without risking God’s (or man’s) punishment. A bride’s silence is always interpreted as her consent to marriage, which you must agree is a long way away from our current idea of consent. And so on, ad infinitum.
None of this predetermines criminal behaviour of Muslim men towards women. In fact, I know quite a few Muslims and I can vouch for their innocence of any such offences. However, a man weaned on such a spiritual diet must be statistically more likely to treat a woman as merely an object, whose human value is circumscribed by her sexuality.
And statistics is what we are talking about here, relative not absolute values, large groups not individuals. Hence, league tables of crime shouldn’t determine each individual case of a man seeking immigrant status in Britain. But it would be foolhardy to disregard such data altogether or, even worse, refuse to collect them.
P.S. Case in point: When German Foreign Minister, Annalena Baerbock, visited Syria the other day, her image is deliberately blurred in the official photograph released by the new, victorious government. She is undeniably a woman, which just won’t do.
Two brief unrelated points, if I may.
The first is that if Jesus were to return to this world and visit England, our authorities would at worst treat him as some sort of harmlessly mad eccentric. Mohammed (PBUH), however, would be serving a long time in prison, due to multiple murder, slaving, rape, and sex with a child. Apparently our “elite” expected his followers to fit in nicely.
The second is more of a question, regarding the Albanians. Didn’t they not only benefit from an Islamic culture, but also from a couple of generations of a particularly convivial Stalinism?
You are rught, Albanians enjoyed communism at its most carnivorous. But Dostoyevsky disgreed with on the Second Coming. In his Legend of the Grand Inquisitor, he insists that, if Jesus came again, he’d be crucified again.
I remember reading a story prior to the 2022 World Cup in Qatar (Qatar!) about a young woman from Mexico who was working in some financial capacity for the organizing committee. She was assaulted by a coworker and after reporting the crime, her assailant was questioned and told authorities that the two were engaged in a physical relationship. The investigation then turned to the young woman, who was charge with the crime of fornication, which carries a possible sentence of 100 lashes and 7 years imprisonment. Human Rights Watch and some FIFA officials helped her to leave the country. All cultures are equal, but some are more equal than others.