The title sounds both defeatist and wrong. It’s the former because the Ukrainians have stopped the Russian invasion in its tracks. It’s the latter because Israel is pounding HAMAS into the ground.

True, neither evil gang is winning the war fought with shells and bullets. But they are doing much better in the war fought with words and keyboards.
Gen. Gerasimov, Russia’s Chief of the General Staff, is unlikely to go down in history as a major military strategist. However, he is credited with conceiving the concept of ‘hybrid warfare’: combining military, propaganda, diplomatic, economic, cultural and other tactics to achieve strategic goals.
The idea isn’t new, but it has had to be thoroughly rehashed to accommodate modern information technology. That the Russians have done, adding a massive electronic effort to the traditional stratagems of creating spy networks and recruiting ‘useful idiots’. And in a display of characteristic Russian generosity, they have shared their knowhow with HAMAS and other similar setups.
The underlying intent is to exploit the inchoate sentiments already existing at Western grassroots. Russian propagandists realise that about two thirds of all Westerners occupy an inert and malleable middle ground, with the remaining third evenly divided between the right and left fringes.
Both are ideologically programmed to respond in a Pavlovian manner to any messages catering to their ideologies. Both, therefore, are gullible and recruitable. The recruitment may be carried out the old-fashioned way involving documents signed in blood or more subtly, with expert brainwashing.
The right fringe is made up of malcontents usually (and incorrectly) called conservatives, but who are in fact Right-wing radicals. They are dissatisfied with where their countries are going, and with good reason.
To take Britain as an example, her indigenous population is being diluted in an influx of alien immigration, her traditional values are being mocked, her whole history is being derided, her education doesn’t educate, her children are encouraged to change sex and so forth – the litany can go on for ever.
People inhabiting the Right fringe have a certain ideal society in their minds, and they increasingly realise their own governments don’t share those ideals and will do nothing to realise them. Hence they are desperate to find someone, anyone, who speaks the same language they do, whose every word tickles their nerve endings.
Putin’s government, made up almost entirely of KGB officers, knows all that. Those KGB operatives still remember the glorious days of the Soviet Union, when millions of Western Lefties were successfully fed the canard of a peace-loving, democratic Soviet Union where everyone is equal, no one is rich, and everything is free.
That pumped endorphins into millions of Western bloodstreams, creating a sense of well-being impervious to facts. Later the Lefties would say they didn’t know about mass executions, concentration camps, torture, murderous artificial famines and other hard Soviet realities. That’s a lie: of course, they knew. But what they knew couldn’t make inroads on what they felt: the ideal might have only existed in their minds, but it was none the less tangible for it, more real than reality.
Some, such as the American playwright Lillian Hellman, kept their Stalinist faith long after the Soviets themselves had described Stalin’s crimes in harrowing detail. However, the hard Stalinist Left later transformed into what’s mislabelled as liberalism, the softer version of the same thing.
Hence, starting from the 1970s and steadily accelerating over the next generation, Soviet propaganda began to express itself in the language of Western campus liberals. The stress was on racial equality, distributionism, Third World virtues, peace, love and respect all around. That set up the outburst of enthusiasm in the West greeting the transfer of power from the Party to the KGB, known as ‘the collapse of the Soviet Union’ and even – especially idiotic – as ‘the end of history’.
It took about 10 years for the KGB to progress from being the power behind the scenes to becoming the power, tout court. Russia, already thoroughly criminalised under Yeltsyn, became fascistic under Putin and his ruling KGB gang.
The intention was from the beginning to recreate the Soviet Union, by force if necessary. Since that aim was unlikely to find many allies on the Western Left, both the thrust and the target of propaganda had to change. Putin’s trolls started peddling ‘traditional values’ to Western malcontents on the Right.
Those people were fed the very verbal sustenance their own governments starved them of: traditional sexual morality, strong decisive government with a muscular leader at the helm, religiosity, a strong line on immigration and Islam – again, you can continue this litany on your own. Facts pointing at the bogus nature of all such claims and the real fascistic nature of Putin’s Russia have always been in the readily available public domain, but virtual reality has again trumped the actual kind.
Those eager to dupe themselves are easy to dupe. Hence the propaganda part of the hybrid went into overdrive with the beginning of Russia’s full-scale aggression against the Ukraine.
While a third of a million Russians were being butchered in human-wave attacks on Ukrainian positions, Russian trolls, agents of influence and useful idiots created a fake picture of the proceedings. The Right-wing malcontents all over the world liked what they saw.
The Ukrainian government was depicted as a corrupt regime with strong Nazi tendencies that came to power as a result of a ‘putsch’. That evocative word was chosen in preference to ‘coup’, ‘overthrow’ or, God forbid, ‘revolution’. The upshot was that the West shouldn’t spend billions trying to prop up that reincarnation of evil.
A thoughtful reader commented on my piece the other day by saying: “Most Republicans do not view aiding Ukraine as stopping facism, but as propping up a corrupt regime.” Exactly. And the prevalence of that view testifies to the success of Putin’s propaganda.
Of course, the Ukraine is corrupt. What do you expect after being ruled for almost 100 years by Soviet communism and Putin fascism? She is, however, nowhere near as corrupt as Russia, whose whole government is a fusion of secret police and organised crime.
The Ukrainian people finally became independent when they overthrew their Russian puppet government in 2014, and they have since made giant strides towards civilisation, with the Russians moving just as fast in the opposite direction. Witness the fact that – at wartime! – there exists widespread criticism of the Zelensky government, with Ukrainian media often openly disapproving of its conduct of the war.
Meanwhile in Russia, the KGB government is doling out draconian prison sentences for every whiff of criticism and even for referring to the war as just that, not by the prescribed term of a “special military operation”. Putin’s opponents are being routinely murdered not only in Russia, but all over the world, and Russian money laundromats continue to operate globally in spite of the sanctions.
All that is widely ignored, with ‘conservative’ Western papers happily lending their space to mendacious propaganda of Russian fascism, accompanied by references to Ukrainian ‘Nazis’. That’s why so many Westerners who consider themselves conservative are questioning the advisability of supporting the Ukraine. Russian propaganda there is boosted by the homespun fringe parties that are in Putin’s pocket ideologically and often financially.
The scale of the Russian propaganda effort far exceeds the 1930s achievements of Willi Munzenberg’s Popular Front machine, complete with its own papers, magazines and film studios. And the Russians’ HAMAS pupils are doing very well too.
The other day The Times featured this headline: “Mummy, are they going to bomb our house?” That’s tear-jerking demagoguery at its very best, and the adman in me can’t fail to identify the guiding hand behind such messages in all the ‘liberal’ media.
The original revulsion following the HAMAS raid was short-lived. At first, even the most ‘liberal’ (meaning anti-Western and pro-Third World) media shuddered at the stories of mass murders and savage rapes. Yet the underlying sense that HAMAS’s cause is just had been so cleverly planted into the ‘liberal’ psyche that, when the Israelis began to retaliate, the Arab savagery was quickly forgotten.
Coming to the fore were endless stories to the effect of “Yes, the Israelis have a right to defend themselves, but…” provided they don’t kill any Muslims. Such stories have been richly illustrated with pictures of destroyed Gaza buildings, killed or maimed ‘civilians’, crying children and so on.
The mindset required for such gross misrepresentations of reality didn’t appear by itself. Western ‘liberals’ may have been inclined in that direction, but that inclination has had to be lovingly cultivated and rewarded. And the Russians didn’t just train HAMAS and other terrorist gangs in the use of arms and explosives. They have also taught Third World radicals how to shill for their cause by pressing the right buttons in the Left psyche.
Neither the Russians nor certainly HAMAS is any good at any creative activity, and they aren’t even so good at war. But their two-prong propaganda effort is scoring notable successes all over the world, right, left and centre. The pen yet again is proving to be mightier than the sword, and the prospects for the triumph of the good appear to be bleak.
The winner of this year’s prestigious Turner Prize, Jesse Darling is so typical of the ‘woke’ left. After giving his acceptance speech last week in front of a live audience and TV cameras, Darling held up a Palestinian flag. He told The Art Newspaper, ‘I wanted to say something on the BBC. Because otherwise it won’t be said.’
What!!! Every nit-witted, media-brain-washed, unthinking fool is reacting just like you and your fake art.
Why do Muslims fear death anyway? Don’t they believe in an eternal, post death paradise? Their surviving family members ought to be thanking the IDF for martyring their loved ones.
I always look for something to disagree with in your articles, but today I find that I agree with every sentence. Please try to be mistaken about something tomorrow!
What do you make of the BBC’s attitude? On the one hand, they’re consistently and vigorously pro-HAMAS as expected, but on the other hand they’re at least half-heartedly pro-Ukraine, which doesn’t seem to fit.
I think it fits perfectly. By brodcasting his bogus message of defending traditional values, Putin consciously chose to appeal to the Right fringe, not the Left. He correctly figured out that was where his natural support base would be. But the Right’s meat is the Left’s poison. Just as the Right react instinctively to cheer traditionalist messages, so do the Left reject them with the same knee-jerk alacrity. Because BBC chaps don’t like what Putin says, they, unlike the Right, don’t ignore what he does, which is savagery on a scale not seen in Europe since the big war. HAMAS, on the other hand, have their own savagery mitigated by everything, well, many things, the BBC likes: they are off-white, Third World and anti-Western. There goes that conundrum, solved. Or as near as damn.
But Putin is as anti-Western as HAMAS, and much of the population he rules is off-white and Third World. That leaves us with the “traditionalist messages”, but HAMAS and their co-religionists often go further than Putin in their appeal to social conservatives.
I suppose the oddness I see in the BBC’s attitude is merely an extension of the oddness I see in the rest of the militant Left: the alliance between cultural Marxists who are enemies of all traditional morality and Mahometans who, given the chance, kill anybody who departs from traditional morality.
It also occurs to me that Putin simply doesn’t care what the BBC or indeed the UK think about him; Fox News is probably what he watches.
I think there’s an unchallenged Marxist presupposition that the oppressed are always in the right.
Nearly all of this can be put at the feet of educators. When they stopped teaching how to think and instead focused on what to think, they created generations of useful idiots waiting to be spoon-fed their next thought or feeling. How anyone can try to frame HAMAS and the IDF as a moral equivalence is astounding.
The Jesuits used to be reproved for promising to indoctrinate children from the age of seven upwards, but successive British governments for the past twenty years or more have gone one better by promising to indoctrinate children from the age of two upwards. They call it “free childcare”, and you can read about the most recent announcement here:
I think it’s safe to assume that the State-approved educators of two-year-olds will be as objectionable to you and me as the State-approved educators of twelve- and twenty-year-olds are.
I had the good fortune as an infant, when my parents were busy, to receive “free childcare” from a grandmother who had the good fortune to be born in the Nineteenth Century. How many children nowadays are so lucky?
Yes, but why are educators allowed to get away with it? I think they are a symptom, not the disease. The disease affects our whole civilisation, which shows every sign of being moribund. The collapse of education is the most awful symptom, you are right about that. But what about our politics? Media? Medical care? Manners? Arts? Above all, what about the Christian underpinnings of our civilisation?
As to education specifically, the rot set in in the 60s, and it has been downhill ever since. America, Britain, you name it. Even Germany and France, where education has always been a matter of national pride, are going the same way and just as fast. My French friends send their children to American and British universities, so disgusted they are with French ones. I tell them not to bother, but they don’t listen.
Exactly! You would be shocked at the Australian curriculum. I have taught in Victoria, New South Wales and now in Queensland and the syllabus just keeps getting more up to date. Being relevant to culture means that educators have to succumb to fads, new genres and new moralities.
Of course, this means toss out stable historical values and traditions that were integral to the western worlds lifting itself out of third-world standards. This leaves us with a mess of weak literature, inaccurate history and messy aesthetics. The past in Art history, for example, has now disappeared…there is only now.
I don’t know why they’re allowed to get away with it. I’ve been thinking about that. One possible reason is it has been a “slow march”. Certainly my grandparents had no need to worry what my parents were taught and my parents had little need to worry what I was taught. I don’t remember my mother ever asking me about the topics we discussed at school. She certainly didn’t need to be on the lookout for subversive subject matter. Monitoring curriculum is a new parenting technique that caught on too late. There is pushback now, but only against the most extreme subject matter – things that ought not even be taught at school. Garden variety subversion is allowed to pass.
“their two-prong propaganda effort is scoring notable successes all over the world, right, left and center. The pen yet again is proving to be mightier than the sword”
At least for Hamas the war is mostly won. Even if Hamas is eradicated their attack on Israel as bad as it was has meant the Palestinian movement is front and center on a worldwide basis as it has never been.
The war will be won on the TV screens of those watching the evening news or the monitors of computers all over the world when the various video of dead Palestinian children shown over and over.