Plus ça change…

Hot summers, is it? Ignoramuses! Global warming deniers! Repeat after me: IT WAS A CLIMATE CRISIS! Our planet was on its way to extinction. And if you don’t believe me, ask Greta Thunberg. She’ll tell you.

6 thoughts on “Plus ça change…”

    1. Thermometers were invented 1642 and not reliable until 1770, so we do not know how hot it really was way back, except to cook an egg in sand you need about 48C which means that there were HOT days way back. And we know from paintings about the other extreem with people skating on specific rivers, and with the same rivers drying up we know that there are BIG cooling and heating cycles. Mostly the fluctuations in the sun drives it all.

  1. During my time in and around the Empty Quarter (Rub’ Al Khali), our local thermometers frequently measured 125+F at the end of the work day. The government’s official stance was that no outdoors workers had to work if the temperature went above 50C (122F). As luck would have it, no forecast ever exceeded 50C. It was not uncommon to see ditch diggers laying cables along the highway with cardboard boxes over their head and shoulders.

    I also seem to remember many days over 100F while on summer holiday from school, but I must have remembered that all wrong. Any websites that dare to report that these temperatures are not record highs are dismissed as “right wing”. Follow the science!

  2. You might also dig up an old article stating the amount of waste from horses in New York City before electric street cars and automobiles took over. I believe it was over 3,000,000 pounds of manure a day – over 300,000 tons every year – and 10,000,000 gallons of urine. Good thing we switched to automobiles.

    On that subject, Henry Ford did not have to bribe the government to make horses illegal in order to sell his cars.

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