Physicists Pierre and Marie Curie ruined their health by deliberately exposing themselves to radiation. Yet their self-experimentation made possible the use of radium in medicine.

There are many other examples of scientists becoming their own guinea pigs for the sake of a higher good. But none so heroic as evolutionists, who courageously put out reams of twaddle to prove by their own example the simian origin of at least some humans.
The latest of such unsung heroes is Dr Adriano Lameira of Warwick University. He proved that chimps, described by The Times as “our nearest evolutionary relatives”, move their lips at the frequency of human speech.
“It is exactly the signature you see if you looked at my lips open and close right now,” said Dr Lameira. “This is exciting.”
Orgasmically so, I’d suggest. As The Times, itself in the throes of excitement, explained, “He and his colleagues argue that this implies we inherited the trait from a common ancestor. And while most descendants use it as a general form of interaction, one particular ape added more complex sounds and grammar and it became language.”
Just like that. One ape decided its life wouldn’t be complete without subjects, objects and predicates. So instead of just moving its lips it used them to form words and eventually write Summa Theologiae, Hamlet and The Critique of Pure Reason.
While complimenting Dr Lameira on the self-lacerating honesty of his analysis, one can’t help noticing that, for most other people, there’s more to speech than lip movement.
Dr Lameira may not realise this, but language depends on a capacity for abstract thought. That’s what it takes to relate a concept, be that a melon, love or categorical imperative, to sounds of speech or squiggles on paper.
And thought is the metaphysical output of an intricate physical organ, the brain. That’s about all we know about it.
For despite the billions pumped into assorted Genome Projects and Decades of the Brain, we still don’t know what a thought is, how it’s produced and how, if at all, man’s capacity for it has developed over history.
The only thing those scanner-wielding scientists have discovered is that some physical processes accompany thought. But these aren’t the same as thought any more than, on this evidence, a doctorate degree is the same as intelligence.
I recall Khrushchev claiming back in 1961 that, since Gagarin didn’t see God in space, God doesn’t exist. This is roughly the intellectual level on which the Lameiras of this world operate.
I’d suggest, without any pretensions to scientific rigour, that he ponder the verb ‘to ape’. The first giant stride would be to understand why it was the primate and not, say, the giraffe or the antelope that was chosen as the metaphor for imitation (and not just in English).
Having concluded that it was perhaps due to the ape’s knack for grotesque mimicry, Dr Lameira would then be ready to make another leap, towards considering the possibility that his chimp moves its lips like talking humans because it, well, apes them.
I’m not insisting that this is the only possible explanation, only that it sounds more plausible than the chimp being on the verge of declaiming “To be or not to be?” (or, being a modern animal, perhaps he’d opt for “To be or to not be?”).
When faced with such offensive mockery, evolutionists explain that transitions like the one from lip movement to Hamlet happened over a long time. How long exactly?
Well, you name it. Millions of years, they’d suggest first, but then some real scientist will show this would be too short a period to produce the requisite amount of evolutionary change. Well, billions then. No? Fine, trillions, but that’s my last offer.
Then they like to flag the fact that chimpanzees and humans share some 99 per cent of their active genetic material. Yet the QED expressions on their faces are premature. For biochemical likeness between apes and humans creates problems for their ilk.
Biology can’t explain why, given such close proximity, apes still look rather different from humans, even those as flawed as Richard Dawkins. Anything near the same biochemical closeness produces virtual twins in other animals. For example, even though they are 20 to 30 times further apart, some species of squirrels or frogs are practically indistinguishable from each other.
Dr Lameira and indeed The Times accept as fact that humans and chimpanzees have “a common ancestor”. If so, why is it that millions of uncovered fossilised remains belong either to apes or to humans, with no intermediate species ever found? In fact, there’s a remarkable dearth of evidence of any intermediate species, not just between ape and man.
Dr Lameira’s sort of reasoning would have him drummed out of any other science: his colleagues would be too busy laughing to do any serious work. But evolutionism isn’t like any other science. In fact it’s not a science at all. It’s an ideology by pseudo-scientific means.
That explains its remarkable longevity: any theory less politically charged would have been discarded at least a century ago. Few unproven ones (and anything called ‘a theory’ lacks decisive proof by definition) ever lasted longer than 40 to 50 years.
But evolutionism is essential to modernity, brought to life as it was by an attempt to debunk God. A modern zealot knows a priori that everything must have a purely physical explanation. And if facts don’t support that presupposition, then they must be dismissed, falsified or spuriously interpreted.
Here’s another promising area for Dr Lameira to explore. I’ve noticed that some frogs do flip-flops in mid-leap. Doesn’t that prove that Olympic high jumpers doing the Fosbury Flop share an ancestor with amphibians? Worth a grant, that.
Did the Curies know that the biological effects of radiation are harmful? I think (or at least suspect) not.
“Science provides fascinating stories about the universe,” he remarks. In fact, he
asserts, modern scientists are every bit the equal of such ancient entertainers as myth-tellers, troubadours and court jesters.
John Horgan on Paul K. Feyerabend.
Of course, the latter gentleman is just as entertaining as those he describes – and he is talking about so-called ‘hard scientists’ such as professor Brian Togers. As for Dawkins, I suspect that the gravitational influence of his enormous black hole of an ego (produced by the success of his early books that were logically unremarkable popularisations of genetic lore) that is now preventing anything worthwhile getting out.
Yes, but even his earlier books, such as The Selfish Gene, were trashy. Reducing the whole wonder of human life to the desire to procreate is vulgarity at its most soaring. But then vulgarity sells.
They’ve been over this stuff a long time ago. Just because chimps can move their lips like ours does not mean they can talk. They lack some specific bone or internal organ in the throat humans have. We may indeed share 99 % or 99.9 % of our genome with chimps. But those small genome differences make for a big difference in species and that ought to be instantly obvious even to the most casual of observers.
They have even tried raising chimp babies in a human household as you would raise a human baby. Tried to teach the chimp to talk as you would teach a human baby to talk. NO GO. The small anatomical differences make for a huge difference that cannot be overcome no matter what.
In fact, one is tempted to think that the difference isn’t just anatomical.
“Speaking of just one anatomical difference”. Others also. A lot of small [on the surface] differences make for one enormous light-year gap between species.
Evolution (or is it universal equality?) will eventually come full circle. When it does, humans will be indistinguishable from apes. Look around. It may not be too far in the future. That will please all the atheists, though they will have lost the ability to communicate it.