Back in the 1850s Lord Kelvin took a look at the Second Law of Thermodynamics and decided that the universe was heading for energy death (otherwise known as the Big Freeze).
In terms so simple that they take me out of my depth, he hypothesised that sooner or later the universe would reach thermodynamic equilibrium, when there wouldn’t be enough free energy left to sustain entropy. The universe would then turn into one giant icicle, and everyone and everything in it would die.
That’s a harrowing prospect if I’ve ever heard one, even though I don’t know enough physics to judge how likely such a calamity is. In any case, even if the universe does freeze over, it’s not going to happen soon. Even physicists who accept this theory talk in terms of millions or even billions of years in the future, which is too long for us to worry about.
A less cataclysmic and much more immediate death by hypothermia is likely to occur in Britain long before then, and it will be self-inflicted. Next time you see a photograph of Ed Miliband, keep this in mind: he is trying to kill you after first making you destitute.
The suicidal net zero policy – and if there’s one thing I like about Trump, it’s that he has no truck with that madness – must have acquired its name because it’s based on net zero data, net zero intellect and net zero morality. All those good things have been overridden by one bad perversion: ideology.
That’s why Miliband bears the oxymoronic title of Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, which is like having a Department for Public Safety and Mass Murder. Commitment to the ideology of net zero is idiotic intellectually, ruinous economically and potentially disastrous civilisationally.
Starting on Monday, Miliband’s energy stormtroopers will start filling the few remaining shale gas wells with cement. The intention is to eliminate fracking in perpetuity, while also phasing out gas production in the North Sea.
However, even covering every square inch of our green and pleasant land with solar panels and wind turbines won’t eliminate the vital role gas plays in the energy mix. And if we don’t produce our own, we have to buy it elsewhere, mostly from Norway.
Since Norway happily continues to drill in the North Sea, the task of saving ‘our planet’ doesn’t advance at all: ‘our planet’ doesn’t care whether it’s Norway or Britain that’s trying to kill it with carbon emissions. Our economy, however, does.
Britain’s energy costs are already the highest among developed countries, and the reason is the foolish consistency that Ralph Waldo Emerson described as “the hobgoblin of little minds”. Ed Miliband and other milibandits in our government consistently try to starve our economy of domestically produced energy.
We currently spend more on importing energy every year than we do on either education or defence. Domestic energy production has decreased by 65 per cent between 2000 and 2023, and by the 2030s we’ll be importing 80 per cent of our energy.
The milibandits cite phony science in support of their socialist, West-hating ideology. However, when it comes to nuclear power, even such bogus data are missing: it remains the cleanest source of energy, and one relying on practically infinite resources of raw materials.
But never mind the data, feel the ideology. Hence HMG is busily decommissioning nuclear power stations just for the hell of it. Dungeness B, Hunterston B and Hinkley Point B are scheduled to stop generation by 2026, Hartlepool and Heysham 1 by 2028, Heysham 2 and Torness soon thereafter.
We are already importing two thirds of our natural gas in liquefied form, and its production, liquefying and transportation make ‘our planet’ less rather than more green. Optimistic commentators believe that sooner or later the milibandits will have to come to their senses and abandon this suicide attempt by net zero.
Alas, I think it’s more likely that the impending catastrophe (and the already exorbitant cost of heating our homes) will make them look for some sort of accommodation with Putin. Much of Europe’s gas still comes from Russia, and you didn’t really think her KGB government would be unable to bypass sanctions, did you?
Nevertheless the cost of natural gas will rise by a third this year, and all of Europe including Britain will bear the brunt of that. This, while sloshing underneath our green and pleasant land is enough shale gas to keep all of the UK and Europe warm for decades.
Yet European governments, including ours, prefer to talk tough about fascist Russia, while rapidly slipping again into her energy vassalage. Now, if we can’t get rid of Starmer and other milibandits, there’s only one solution that comes to mind.
They should be made to take a fortnight off their duties, which by itself would have a healing effect on society and its economy. During that enforced break, they must be made to study every sentence in Ian Plimer’s book Heaven and Earth, the most comprehensive debunking of the bogus science involved in the climate swindle.
If they still emerge at the other end prepared to destroy our lives in the name of wicked ideology, there is nothing else we can do. Barring, of course, the kind of things a civilised man should never countenance.