It’s at times like ours that I regret having decided not to pursue a university career. Academics seem to have so much fun while uncovering new layers of reality.
I don’t wish to create a false impression that an academic career was a viable option for me. As a friend, himself a professor, explained to me 50 years ago, “It’s assumed that every member of a humanities faculty is a liberal.”
That requirement alone would have disqualified me, but I also failed on many other grounds: I was white, male, heterosexual (in those days rather actively so) and, although not yet a Christian, certainly not an atheist either.
By contrast, Prof. Kathleen Stock comes close to perfection as far as academics go. Yes, she is white, but this sole stain on her CV is wiped off by her other impeccable credentials.
Prof. Stock is a woman – tick. She is a proud lesbian – tick. Not only that, but she is an activist campaigning for lesbian rights – tick. She is married to another woman – tick. She is Left-wing – tick. She is a philosopher who strongly believes that ‘sexual objectification’ and ‘sexual orientation’ fall under the purview of her discipline, a view of philosophy that somehow escaped Messrs Aristotle, Kant and even Russell – another tick.
What’s there not to like? More to the point, what’s there to prevent Prof. Stock from having a glittering career at a university? Nothing at all, and she did have just such a career, even having been appointed at its zenith Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE).
Yet zeniths dialectically coexist with nadirs, and Prof. Stock was reminded of this Hegelian insight when she was accused of transphobia, ‘cancelled’ and forced to leave her post at the University of Sussex in 2021.
A year earlier Prof. Stock had the audacity of disputing that trans women (former men) are real women and insisting that “’spaces where women undress and sleep should remain genuinely single-sex in order to protect them”.
To protect Prof. Stock’s reputation, I must insist that such contentious views in no way compromise her core woke beliefs. She didn’t say, for example, that gender dysphoria is the domain of psychiatrists and endocrinologists, not philosophers and sociologists.
On the contrary, she is ready to do battle for ‘trans rights’, just not the right of biological males to use women’s dressing rooms and lavatories.
Yes, she did write that many trans women are “still males with male genitalia, many are sexually attracted to females, and they should not be in places where females undress or sleep in a completely unrestricted way.”
However, she is committed to the sacred cause of ‘trans rights’: “I gladly and vocally assert the rights of trans people to live their lives free from fear, violence, harassment or any discrimination… I think that discussing female rights is compatible with defending these trans rights”.
Lest she may be accused of academic detachment, Prof. Stock readily acknowledges personal interest in the issue. Thus she has opposed the provisions for transsex self-identification because they would “threaten a secure understanding of the concept ‘lesbian’.”
Now, if you still dispute my lack of qualifications for an academic post, I’d oppose that abomination on entirely different grounds. I’d say that trans people have no rights specific to them.
Like all other subjects of His Majesty, they are protected by laws allowing them “to live their lives free from fear, violence, harassment”, although perhaps not from discrimination. After all, normal people have rights too, and among them is the right, say, not to have their children educated by pregnant men. After all, Prof. Stock lists aesthetics among her academic interests, so she must understand the notion of incongruous ugliness.
I’d also ask for clarification of exactly what constitutes fear-causing violence and harassment. These days such concepts have acquired the kind of elasticity they never had before.
For example, does using wrong, which is to say correct, personal pronouns amount to harassment or even violence? They have to be because otherwise laws dear to Prof. Stock’s heart would be redundant. After all, we already have a plethora of injunctions protecting HM’s subjects, regardless of sex, from assault and persecution.
Now, anyone offering such views in our withering groves of academe would be tarred and feathered, possibly even lynched. Prof. Stock’s punishment for dissent from a lesbian position was relatively mild, if unpleasant.
After she published a book on ‘gender identity’, student riots hounded her out of Sussex University. In general, students at British universities now possess powers similar to those of Mao’s Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution. So far they are merely driving professors out, not “smashing their dog heads” in the parlance of their Chinese counterparts. But the powers are nonetheless real.
Prof. Stock might have saved herself by recanting but stuck to her guns. After losing her job, she has kept insisting that biological sex is real, and I invite you to classify a society where this notion is regarded as controversial, not to say toxic.
In 2023 she gave a talk at the Oxford Union debating society, or rather tried to. Incensed fanatics drowned her presentation in chants and loud music.
While the Red Guards screamed “no more dead kids”, the trans activist Riz Possnett glued ‘theirself’ to the floor. As someone who used to advertise Loctite Superglue, I am happy that my claims for its sticking ability have been vindicated.
Prof. Stock protested to the Office for Students (OfS) and amazingly she was heard. OfS criticised the University of Sussex’s policy statement on ‘Trans and Non-Binary Equality’ and fined the university £585,000 for its affront to free speech.
According to OfS, the University’s insistence on “trans people being positively represented” and its threat that “transphobic propaganda [would] not be tolerated” could force staff and students to “self-censor”.
However, Sussex didn’t take its punishment lying down or even bending over. The judgement, according to its spokesman, is an “unreasonably absolutist definition of free speech” that could lead directly to horrendous abuses, such, presumably, as saying ‘herself’ instead of ‘theirself’.
Doing battle on the side of Sussex is the LGBTQI+ society. It has issued an open letter of protest signed by 100 academics who are all aghast at such “libertarian” excesses. One wishes their literacy were a match for their flaming conscience.
“Trans students should not be made to debate their existence,” they wrote. “We also refute that this is a free speech issue – disinviting someone is not preventing them from speaking.”
Those 100 dons think ‘refute’ means ‘deny’, and they refute the self-evident fact that someone whose invitation to speak is withdrawn is thereby prevented from speaking. Of course, Prof. Stock wasn’t ‘disinvited’ to speak at the Oxford Union but merely muffled by chants and what passes for music these days. Does that qualify as prevention from speaking?
To Prof. Stock’s credit, she is prepared to insist on precise definitions. To that effect, she has joined Martina Navratilova and the writer Julie Bindel in launching The Lesbian Project. Its main objectives are taxonomic and semantic, “to put lesbian needs and interests back into focus, to stop lesbians disappearing into the rainbow soup…”
As Prof. Stock explained, she is out to assert lesbian identity as discrete from all others: “Lesbians will always exist but we’re in a crisis in which young lesbians don’t want to be associated with the word. Some of them want to describe themselves as queer and some of them prefer not to see themselves as women but as non-binary.”
Perish the thought.
You may have detected some not-so-subtle irony in my description of the on-going clash. Don’t get me wrong: I’m happy to see Sussex University being slapped with a hefty fine for abusing free speech, and I’m glad Prof. Stock’s detractors got their comeuppance.
I do, however, find it ridiculous that one perversion can only be attacked from the beachhead of another. Had Prof. Stock not established her impeccable credentials as a woke lesbian activist, she would have lost not only her job but also any hope of another academic employment, possibly even her liberty.
OfS would have doubtless applauded: people espousing views that have for centuries been considered mainstream aren’t entitled to freedom of speech. That, I’d suggest, is a much worse tragedy than any that befell Kathleen Stock.